NHSHP Pharmacy Technician CE Program
September 16, 2023
Location: Tap House Grille in Hooksett, NH
11:30- Noon - Registration and lunch
Noon-1 pm The pharmacy technician's role in drug diversion prevention
Jennifer Kelleher, BA, PharmD, BCPS, CPPS
1-2 pm You get a label and you get a label: 2022 novel drug approvals
Brianna Wheeler, PharmD
2-2:30 pm Break and Networking
2:30-3:30 pm Preparing technicians for the new 797 changes
Janice Burleigh, CPhT, CSPT
3:30-4:30 pm DEA Presentation on the Opioid Crisis: How can you help?
Sarah McMenimen
4 live CE's including law, medication safety, and compounding
Early bird registration open now!
(Early bird price available to NHSHP 2023 members until September 1st)
New Hampshire Society of Health System Pharmacists