Policy Talk with the NH ASHP Delegates
Presenters: New Hampshire's Delegates for ASHP:
Marilyn G. Hill, PharmD, MHA
Melanie McGuire, PharmD, BCCCP
Jessica Marx, PharmD, BCPS
1. Describe the policy process for the American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP)
2. Discuss 3 policies brought forth to the 2025 House of Delegates
3. Develop consensus for each policy for our NH delegates
5:15-5:45 PM Registration and Networking
5:45-6:00 PM Scholarship Presentation
6-6:30 PM Dinner
6:30-7:30 PM CE Presentation
7:30 PM Wrap Up
50/50 raffle for our NHSHP Pharmacy Student Scholarship!
This event is accredited for pharmacy technicians and pharmacists.